Friday, April 22, 2011

Comfort--From The Oddest of Venues!

Dearest Family and friends, 

We're suffering for new investigators still in the area of referrals since we're the weird add-on sister companionship. And we are still trying to find our niche of being needed (maybe it's in helping the ward members feel needed, huh?) but I love it here. SIster Wong is a powerful teacher, a hilarious girl and an intensely loyal companion. She will be added onto the list of my best friends, I hope. She's also a fabulous cook and we LOVE cooking together.

Elder Smith, my MTC "companion" is our zone leader here in Macau. He has grown to great depths as we expected from our time in the MTC and he's so wonderful and hilarious; we love when he leads our meetings because everyone just LAUGHS the whole time. He's so ... pleasant. It's a good way to describe him. Just chill, super kind and ultra sensitive, and fun to be around.
I'm a little bit sick lately (just a TITCH, really) and it's showing up in my famous duck-n-cover sneezes. Remember the penchant I have for blowing the top off the world when one of "those" sneezes goes off.  The whole apartment's on guard now, as I ruined TWO shirts yesterday...

Oh, I forgot, I also gave a talk on that crazy do-everything Sunday in the 2nd branch (the international one) (5 to 8 pm!) about the Comforter. I focused on Alma 4:10 and explained how the true Comforter can never fail us, when all our earthly comforts or even friends and family may. I shared the story about being comforted by a total stranger at college church the day Dad called me to tell me that my good friend, Derek Roarke had passed away. It was between spring and summer semesters, I think, and I had no one close by to go to for help and healing. A girl in Relief Society--didn't even know me--just came back and put her arms around me and I cried and cried. I will always remember that experience as proof of God's awareness of my needs. He knew I had no one else then.

Yesterday we went on our last week planned find around the reservoir (in the morning, really weird but we wanted to try something new) and we were really hoping and praying for 2 lessons and 2 new investigators. Two and a half hours in all--and I garnered was more potential new sun cancer cells (it was weirdly sunny... and HOT... which is not weird... but it didn't rain, yay!) and we came home an hour later and DIED through studies we were so bushed, BUT at the end of the day we miraculously had two new investigators and had taught two lessons. It was pretty amazing :)

One's name is Ce and she's Chinese and I actually contacted her MOM first during the English find and then we called her and she came (and we didn't know who she was, were trying to figure out who had contacted her and then finally she was like, "No, I didn't meet you but I'm pretty sure you called me," and I was so confused but then so happy! and I taught the group how to introduce yourself to a board of directors last night in the advanced session of English class it was SO FUN!!!

I love you, my family and friends, and I'm so thankful for your support. I keep getting cards and  wishes from our sweet ward members that makes me want to hug that whole Cedar Ridge building. Those people really are the solace of my home ward.  Thank them for me!

Love forever in the eternal scheme of things,

Sister Darcey

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