Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Lovely people,
I need to repent. I doubted, and I have been smited down (smitten...?) for my inadequate faith. I opened a package from my mother, and asked myself, "Why on Earth would she send me a whole BOX of ginger tea?!" Then I opened the next one and asked the same thing--"MOTHER. You are a crazy person,"

Sister Farr recalls me saying, "Just because you're smitten with this stuff doesn't mean everyone else needs 500 packets of it!" I opened the next one and further denied a mother's omniscience, "What am I going to need a hot pack for in HK??"

Finally in packet four, I dispaired at ever understanding the mother instanity. "I just needed a LITTLE jar of mentholadum, Maaaaum. Crazy lady."

I was so wrong. Yesterday I found myself humbled while lying on my bed trying to breathe with a hot pack on my chest, Mentholadum shlathered all over my face and 20 empty packets of ginger tea littering the room around me.

Sister Farr and I are both sick, and we've been downing ginger tea like... well, like water. It's one of those afraid-to-fall-asleep-because-it's-hard-to-breathe-even-when-you're-awake-and-if-you-fall-asleep-you'll-probably-suffocate illnesses.

You know those kind?

Yet, Please resist the urge to send me a care packet--I'm already on the mend and by the time it gets here I won't need it for another 3 months--and I already have everything I need from Mom's genius packages :) If it doesn't clear up totally soonest, I'll probably ask the Sweet Man, Brian to send me a couple garlic cloves... and noone here will care that I reek of garlic!

Other than that, being sick at the MTC is good and I'm set!

Moral of the story: never doubt your mom. God gave her so-awesome-it's-almost-creepy know-everything powers!!!

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