Friday, April 1, 2011

Crazy Scripture Talk

(old letters transcribed from early in the mission)
Dear Family,

More about branches, zones, districts--all words that confuse and confound me.

My branch President is Pres. Miller, and from large to small, I am in the MTC, Second District, 5th Branch, D Zone. Our district right now has fourteen missionaries and including branch presidency and wives, makes it twenty.

Anyway, President Miller is a wonderful man. He is quiet,very kind, very understanding and an excellent, humble leader.
(This is not a photo of my mission president, but Elder Gines' in Peru.)

Our mission president explains and aids us in rules, especially helping us understand the reasons behind the rules. He is always very concerned for our welfare and grateful for our presence here.

There are two Oklahoma Elders in our Branch, Elder Smith is from Moore OK and is going to Manchester England, and a convert of only 1 1/2 years (YAY Boomer Sooner) and Elder Beams going to Uganda. (Not a Boomer Sooner! -- but as no sport nut, I can't remember what the alternative would be.)

The mind cannot absorb what the seat cannot endure--old MTC proverb.

While thinking of people here who are rapidly becoming my friends... (good segue or what?) I am reminded of my best friends. And included in those near and dear to me are my scriptures. Why are my scriptures my best friend? Filled with my notes, they act as half diary, half history and serve as a tangible reminder of my on-going, ever-improving relationship with God. My testimony is strengthened by my margin notes that detail the answers I have received from His holy writ. My scriptures act as my best friend because they do what the best of friends do: that is to remind me of the best person that I could become (and have had glimpses of in the past.)

My new mission scriptures, tiny and immaculate, look very different from my hard-worn, work-torn seminary scriptures, but once you know them deep down like true friends, they are ever the same inside.

(Dia responds to the family's query about how is she adjusting to the long haul and what she needs Mom to stop writing about to mitigate the potential homesickness.)

Okay, the thing that makes me most crazy is when you write about food you've been making! It's like dangling a cheese enchilada right in front of my nose! I WANT IT! I mean, they make great food here for celiacs and you'll never hear me complaining, but it's NOT Mom's!!!

Thanks for all the great details on the new baby, (that family has now named two children after me, Lia and Eliza--Yup, they love me,) I love hearing about the camping, all the conversations with Brian, Ian, Matt, Aidan. I love all the updates.

Ian can totally bring his musical thing--Karina, Hannukah... whatever that flute-y thing is (ocarina) to the MTC! Some kid has a harmonica that he plays at night--that kinda makes it feel like we're in jail, though.

I am blessed to be here representing both the family and God. I know you will be pleased if I "honor" the family name, but I also know you'll be even more proud if the people I am working with will forget the name "Darcey," yet always remember Christ and his love for them.

Love, Sister Dia Darcey

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