Monday, April 18, 2011

Hair Ties are not Disposable?

Hola! ...? This salutation dedicated to my Peruvian cousin, Derick! Welcome home soon!

I am so thankful for a wonderful family! We are practicing with "progressing investigators"(that means teachers who act as if they are real investigators with histories pulled from their real life experiences of people they taught). Two of them didn't have a family group growing up, they were raised in a communal environment without parental figures. I am thankful for the foundation of Love, kindness, charity, morality, responsibility and hard work that I learned from you, Mom, Dad, Aidan and Ian.

Bwahhha! I loved Aidan and Dad's email today. I only wish I could read them over right now... 'cause we're not allowed to go to the temple when we're sick, so we don't cough on people, so we're holed up in our room. Good thing we're BOTH sick, or this would be even more boring! Other missionaries here are calling the weather bi-polar--beautiful, then freezing, then hot--we never know what to expect!!! I hope it's nice for women's conference for Mom!

I need a packet of hair ties sent to me while you are here, Mom. You know the ones I usually get, brown, blue, white, black and another box of Corn Chex. I want to take a box of Chex to China. You will probably be amazed at how much stuff I just sent home to Brian (Sorry, I couldn't remember Ian's telephone number--it's saved on my cell phone!) I drop the box off and someone calls him and he picks it up somewhere in Orem and it's all free! What a blessing for a plentiful packing person like myself! (nice alliteration). I've decided to purchase whatever extra I need in Hong Kong.

I appreciate the General Conference talk, but I actually get to access -- so it was so funny--I had just printed Elder Oak's talk when you, (Mom) dear eldered it to me!

Tell Ian that if it is his white mission handbook that he is waiting for, the WAIT is over! It's in the box and he should go over and get it and dig through it and get the handbook and get his interview! I heard that he is waiting for his new bishop next week. Transition time at BYU at semester end is chaotic for everyone!!

Thanks for the letters and the updates, except for Derick's welcome home date. I WILL MISS his little face. Sorry for such a pathetic letter, but... I got nothin'.

Oh yeah, I'm sick! Sister Farr's mom sent me GF Brownies this week! She is so nice. Mom, you could meet her at Women's conference since you will be working in the humanitarian aid booth.

I am so ready to be out doing the work. I know there is a plan and purpose for all things, but that assurance doesn't help with the impatience. I'm counting down the days to Hong Kong and I love each and every one of you who are such a strong family support.

Do, please, have a Special and Happy Easter thinking of our Savior and His Love,

My Love, love, love, Sister Dia

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Make a comment, large or small and Mom will email it to me in next weeks mail. Hugs, Sister Dia