Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tonight I Fight A Dragon

Dear Everyone:

I just found out Kowloon City (where the temple is in HK) means Port of 9 Dragons.

Question. Is HK the most awesome mission in the universe?

Answer. Kowloon means Port of 9 dragons.

Unfortunately, on Saturday in the Teaching Resource Center when we had to give directions in Cantonese, no one thought it was very fun when I directed them to "daap ba si sahp hou A, yi hauh daap luhng..." = "take bus 10 A, then change to a dragon and ride it from Kowloon to TST, then..."

I'm coordinating sister now, which is kinda like a zone leader assisting the sisters in the branch. Good thing Sister Farr's been doing it for 8 weeks now, or I'd have no idea what I'm doing. I also found out that when you're set apart as a missionary, you're automatically set apart for any calling and assignment you get on your mission-- from district leader to branch or RS president! Craziness.

We've been trying to increase our positivity these past two weeks as a district (P.S. I HEART MY DISTRICT). Last week one of our new district members--Elder Blake, or Bik Jeung Loh--told one of our branch presidency members that "our older district is so positive, it's great..." Then he continued, "Actually, President, it's so positive that it's almost a little annoying sometimes..."

YES! So positive it's annoying?! PERFECT.

We had an amazing fireside Saturday night by the BYU Men's Chorus! They gave a fabulous program--both beautiful AND fun music, wonderful testimonies and stories, and all the energy with which they always bless their audiences. Unfortunately, Monday morning there was a new record for sister missionaries requesting leaves from the MTC (all of them with the same vague excuse, something like, "I just feel like my calling is waiting somewhere else... maybe in a men's choir somewhere... I mean...I just need to leave.")

All jesting aside, please watch "His Sacred Name: An Easter Declaration," It is so beautiful! I really think that Grandma Pat will really like it--it speaks to my heart of her love for Christ.

I am blessed with such wonderful women around me--Sister Farr, Platt (just left for temple square yesterday) and Sister Bishop, who are my angels. I've so enjoyed getting to know them better. They are such blessings to me--so fun, so wonderful, so kind and such good missionaries--and they make me want to be a better woman and person!

Gam Maahn Dou Louh Fu = sounds like, Comment t'allez vous,

it means

Tonight, I will fight a dragon.

And THAT is why Cantonese is the best language in the world.

Sister Awed, (not ODD). I mean Sister Darcey

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