Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hong Kong Monkey Business

Dearest Wonderful People,

Today we had a zone activity--went to Monkey Mountain -- Kam Shan Park. OK, I don't know what I was thinking, but I really didn't even think about the disastrous consequences of MONKEY + 12 ELDERS. It was... so hilarious.

And by hilarious, I mean INSANELY FRIGHTENING. Monkeys (monkies...?) are TERRIFYING. Seriously. They could... pretty much tear your face off. We thought it would be trip like... "walk around for three hours and maybe see a monkey's tail or HEAR a monkey or THINK you saw a monkey" kinda thing. Nope, it was more like a "get off the bus and there are 30 monkeys sitting right there waiting for you" kinda trip.

Monkeys are surprisingly HUGE!! and they have HUGE TEETH! Like the killer rabbit of Chaerbannog on Monty Python. Anyway.

SO the elders (and by elders I mean zone leaders... oh, brother...) were teasing this monkey and it was sitting on the road hissing at us and of course the elders skee-daddle and leave me and Sister Cheung and the REST of the Elders who are scared out of our MINDS....

It reminded me of that family video we have of Dad teasing Socks until she gets all riled up and then the toddler (me...? ian? aidan...) toddles in and she tears into the poor child.

Of course Sister C walks past the monkey like it's no big deal... Walking past that monkey was PRETTY MUCH the bravest thing I've ever done in my life, because in order to do it you CAN'T LOOK AT THE MONKEY. Yup. Terrifying.

Wowsa, this movecall is going so fast! Everyone is already speculating about where we may be transferred. The ideas are mostly that I'll step-train someone... which... would... be... terrifying.(I don't partake in that nonesence... nonsence... oops, nonsense!

(There, third time's the ...what is the third time... third try's the charm? Wow...

OK. My English is gone.) Here we go.

Yes, as I was saying, I don't take part in that whatevaitscallediddy, because whenever I think something's gonna happen and get all used to it, Heavenly Father changes things up--keeps me on my toes, I think. So, the new plan is just to...NOT make any plans! Ha HAA!) about where I'm going to be sent. I'm reminded of Grandma Pat's plaque, "If you want to Make God Laugh, tell him your plans."

I still have three solid weeks to tear apart Tolo Harbor, though. WOOT! We taught that wonderful gal YY on Tuesday... wait. We only met her on FRIDAY? I haven't told you about YY yet?!?!!!!

OH MAN! Friday night we were contacting in Sha Tin Park (I love that park; it's magical) for a couple hours before we met Sister J (the new Sha Tin lady from Daailohk who has a 4 year old) and would return to Tai Po (where we live, but NOT in our area) to watch the Stake RS-broadcast-activity.

I was having prettty much zero success; I couldn't even get people to stop (probably because I was half-hearted/minded as I was simultaneously trying to figure out/call/recall/text etc everyone going to the Tai Po thing that night, and Sister J. was having trouble understanding me because both her and my Cantonese stink.

Off to one side Sister Cheung had just sat down with someone and was teaching and that was a liiiiiiitle stressful. SO finally I was just standing by myself at the edge of the park, practically tapping my foot because we were late to go pick up Jang Ji Muih at the train station to go to Tai Po, and was waiting for Cheung to finish her lesson (she's such a powerful missionary!!) when the Lord plopped this girl down in front of me and I just said HI to her.

Actually I said Leih hou ma and she stopped and said hello, and then I looked around kinda like... um.... well... and she stood there, so then I gave her a flier. And then she was still standing there. And I asked her if she'd ever prayed before. And she said she didn't know how. And I was like, "This WOULD happen at the END of the two and a half hours of finding!" and giggled just a little bit maniacally at the Lord's sense of humor.

So I taught her lickety-split-like, and then quickly scheduled her again for Saturday. On Saturday, she CAME, our fellowshipper Tiffany was AMAZING and befriended her and figured out that she actually went to the same school as our barely-baptized-AMELIA in Sha Tin ward, and then she came to church on Sunday with Amelia and it was just basically good all the way around. Oh, and we saw her again on Tuesday. Ye-ah.

Anyway. Then we went and ate Korean BBQ MMMMM and now my email time is... up...

Thank you all so much for your prayers and love and righteousness. You are amazing. I love you so much!


**The pictures are actually from when I was companions with Sister Black. They are at a Buddhist temple called Ho Man Tin**

1 comment:

  1. hahahahaha, you are my favorite sister mshionary who is not my cousin! Also, happy fireworks/independence from imperial rule day!


Make a comment, large or small and Mom will email it to me in next weeks mail. Hugs, Sister Dia