Thursday, September 22, 2011

Mad and Moody Eyes

Dear Everyone Who Cares,

A word on mission stress: Actually, two words, taken from some of my favorite literature: "CONSTANT VIGILANCE!"

Yes, I have one eye rolling around in the back of my head and the other twitching creepily, Mad-Eye Moody style--together with my mosquitooo bite scars and possible reprecussions of the latest news (LICE!) (don't worry, we all did the chemical wash thing and so far everyone else is fine and quickly getting better).

I may come home looking a lot like Mad Eye :D. I already carry a hip flask... (all the missionaries do, since you have to have clean water).

There are so many things about missions that are hard. Food, companions, weather, food, all the different challenges that the Lord sees fit to put before you.

Mine biggest challenge is being too busy. I do not like having three wards, I'm just realizing. We can't sit with investigators all the way through church--sometimes we don't even SEE them in church, like this past Sunday!-- we don't know the wards well, we don't get to correlate with the auxillaries, we don't hear announcements, we can't ever give undivided attention.

I think that's the huge stress of it all--in a period when all I want to do is say, "Bishop, we're YOUR ward's servants! I have no school, no job, no kids, NO other concerns and all I want to do is build the kingdom in ---- your ward,"

Yet, as it is, I have to give a disclaimer "but Bishop, certain conditions apply". It's like being married to three men... wait. (haaaa).

Hopefully I can begin to understand and use Dad's favorite prophet--Brigham Young--'s counsel that I just found today:

"Stop, do not be in a hurry. I do not know that I could find a man in our community but wishes success... they will say, "fortune seems to be against me." I will tell you the reason of this--you are in too much of a hurry; you do not pray enouth, you do not meditate enough, you are all the time on the wind and in such a hurry you do not know what to do first. This is not the way to get rich (receive success)...Let me reduce this to a simple saying--one of the most simple and homely that can be used--'Keep your dish right side up,' so that when the shower of porridge does come, you can catch your dish full."

I forget too often that it is God's work, not mine, that all I can do is all he requires--or rather, he requires all I can do and will purify and sanctify and enlarge that too-often measely, lazy, whiny Sister Darcey's contribution into something magnificent and, in Sister C's words, "MICRACULOUS!"

Last Sunday truly was micRAculous. Sister H and F., her 14 year old addicted-to-gaming, came to church (an hour late! That's ok!), and F. LOVED it and begged to stay to the next hour. An amazing member convinced H. to stay (even found her FOOD since H. wanted to go home to eat before they went to their next activity! Members are AMAZING).

Oh, and SOMEONE FOUND OUR KEYS. ...ready for this? ON THE STREET! Of course they did... wow. Yup, a Tai Wai member just walked up to me and asked, "found your keys, yet, sister?" and I, in depths of humili (ation) started explaining for the 800th time how sorry I was and that I'll be more careful in the future... and he held up OUR keys. OUR (now) filthy, rusty, water stained, KEYS. Amazing.

We have a new investigator named J. in ST--a young mom from mainland who originally speaks some other dialect. We spent a whole lesson introducing her to prayer and God because she has ZERO religious background. First prayers are always such a beautiful experience, especially truly humble ones (like hers!).

We are so blessed to be here, experiencing the spirit first-hand. I love you so much, be safe and happy and I love you, my family forever!!!

Sister Darcey (DIAAAAA)

Another very-like-Dad Brigham Young saying: "If you wish to get rich, save what you get. A fool can earn money, but it takes a wise man [accountant] to save and dispose of it to his own advantage." :D

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