Dear Family, I am so, so, rushed that I have time for a short letter, but I am sending this note too. It is representative
of my life.
This was my letter to the President this week...
Dear President Chan,
WOW, what a week, what a work, what a month, what a move, what an experience! God truly is at the head of His work--and intimately concerned with the details of every single one of his children's lives. God be praised for his wisdom and patience with ME as I slowly learn the lessons he provides.
I am so grateful to have had this move's learning experiences, this area with Sister C., our summer missionaries, our investigators, our ward members, our leaders, our fellow missionaries and especially with the Holy Spirit. What an eternal blessing.
This week Sister C and I did some soul-searching as we evaluated our work with ward members and decided that we really need to develop our relationship with our Sha Tin ward. Several factors have kept us from really getting to know and helping this ward, and many ward members still don't know ME, much less Sister C. We have set goals and plans and fasted for Sha Tin on Sunday--and the blessings are being poured out!
We finally (after months of missing phone calls and going through the wrong people and etc) set an appointment and met with Bishop Lee, who was really helpful and hopeful in helping us resolve concerns and define the sister missionaries' role in his ward better.
We, through pure chance, I mean blessing, were able to serve Sha Tin through an opportunity to help clean the church (our investigator cancelled last minute) with members and attend a senior citizen home presentation the same day.
We really worked hard to find (tracting) at Fo Tan and New Town Plaza/ Lion's bridge--the longest, hottest, hardest finding I've ever done (Sister C. is AMAZING and so resilient! She is such a hard worker!). We're also planning on putting together ward sister-to-sister activities to help the sisters to advance in scripture know-how and testimony and visiting a family every week to help the ward meet the sister missionaries.
I'm so excited for ST's growth and progress.
{Note to home folks: this was a big deal to tell Pres Chan, because Sha Tin is HIS home ward and they really have not welcomed sister missionaries at all. We've been struggling with them for... months before I even came into the area. They don't invite sister missionaries to bear testimony in sacrament, they don't include sister missionaries number with the elders; they don't tell us about activities so of course we don't show UP to activities, they give the elders their female referrals... but it's CHANGING now! We're so excited}.
President Chan, we have also been blessed in our unity as a companionship. It's been a beautiful, really deep experience to become unified with SIster C. Real teaching with power, authority and love comes through the Spirit, and inviting the Spirit starts in a unified companionship--which is formed through real prayer, study and hard work, and obedience!
One of the best experiences this week was when I brought up that we should really try as a companionship to get to bed and get up exactly on time every day. I've been nervous for weeks to talk about it, which is really a manifestation of pride. We decided as a companionship to work on this area of obedience and made plans for how on earth we were going to do it (especially at night, and with showering at the end of the day taking so much time, etc). It gave us a great goal to work on together and negated previous prideful/guilty feelings as we acknowledged our common need to improve.
I am most excited to report that we met a new friend named Alice! I'm so excited for her--she's only 12 but her desire to learn and come to Christ is HUGE. We found her finding at Hin Keng Estate in Tai Wai--this experience is already really building my faith in finding {tracting} because I actually started talking with her (then Sister C. took over because a slightly-crazy man started talking to me...) and then she set up a time to meet with us again.
Almost ALL my investigators so far on my mission have been member referrals, investigator referrals or previous investigators. She's so ready to learn [and yesterday (wed)--our second meeting--set a baptismal date for September 25. Wow!!!].
I feel so happy and excited about this area and finally really open and unified in my companionship. I will be sad to move if I do, but I will leave with peace about Tolo Harbor in my heart.
Thank you for your prayers and service on our behalf!
{This goes doubly for folks at home!}
With Respect, Sister Diondra Darcey
______END OF President's Letter_______________
I love you people so much! Mom, if you could send cranberry and vitamin b pills in the next package it'd just be fabuloous. Love you!!
Dia Awesome Darcey Baaaahk Jan Hei Ji Muih
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