Thursday, September 15, 2011

10,000 BUDDHAS - One Little Old Me.

{A letter that came in between emails}

Dear Family, friends and followers:

WOW DAD AND IAN look fabulous in their pictures! Thanks for the story about your fun bday party!!!

NO memory card yet but it's prob waiting at the mission home!(perfect timing, mine ran out of memory TODAY at 10,000 buddhas).

The weather IS cooling off! Slowly, but surely! The bugs are... ok, I think they're better. Actually, yesterday I got bittten on my hand --saw it happen, the little sucker (haaaa literally sucker)

(ok, my humor has disintegrated a LOT)

(...with my ENglish...)

it bit me right on the vein--and our fellowshipper said, "CHINESESOMETHINGOROTHER" and grabbed my hand, ran to the hose outside the church (we were waiting for the elders bc we still don't have dkeys--'member I lost them?)

and started hosing off my hand. I finally figured out (after about a minute of frantic hosing and shouting in chinese) that she thought that if you wash the poison out immediately, it won't be itchy later.

I shook my head (and wrung out my hair) and laughed, thanked her good naturedly and went in the church for the lesson. Chinese medicine? Haa!

2 hours later, however, I realized IT DIDN'T ITCH! There was no swelling! CHINESE MEDICINE (at least this one) WORKS! I'm seriously going to start doing this. I have high hopes for less-oozing and less-scarred calves and arms.

The language is TERRIFIC! I just finished my English fast AND this Monday is my last pass-off for "Language Giant" language level (the lowest one, but after this I get to start learning CHARACTERS!).

I'm happy to be able to speak English again, that week was rough. Good, FABULOUS, but hard. Sister Cheung is going to start trying to speak only English in the apartment which will basically be a major source of hilarity and stress release, I'm super excited :D she is so awesome.

The work is FANTASTIC! WOW so many miracles this week! One of which is named A. A. is so special--only 12 years old but looks and acts 17, minimum. Oh, I'll tell you more about her later in the real letter.

As for food, I ate the weirdest thing today (P-day morning is always intersting because we're all out of food)... chestnuts, but they were SOFT. And black. So... weird.

But yes! The food is fabulous. I think I only get poisoned (accidentally glutened) about once a week :P (SORRY Maum,) but I'm really being blessed with very few really bad stomach aches... really.

LOOooonnnnggggg Fat, drumroll please.... I BOUGHT A JUMP ROPE! I'm SO excited!!! I dragged Sister C out this morning (she's so good, she just sits on a bench and watches me run 100 feet this way, 100 feet back, 100 feet this way, 100 feet back, it's hilarious) to try it out and I'm pretty sure I finally got my heart rate about normal!

We're getting a Korean baby [newbie, greenie, new missionary] into our apartment (she'll serve Tai Wo/ Tai Po with Sister B.) and I'm hoping she likes running... praying she likes running...

Hugs, Happiness and Prosperity...

Love, Sister Dia

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