Thursday, September 22, 2011

Apartment Guard Crush Update: We're Fighting.

I rejected his moon cake gift, so now he isn't talking to me.

Hello Family,

It's getting cooler in Hong Kong!

Of course it is, since i JUST broke down and bought a purse (=no more sweaty backpack) and because Mom's package came with a cooler shirt.

On the same day last week, I pulled off three brand-new-never-done-before-in-HK.
These things were made possible only because it was cool enough...
1) I wore my hair down,
2) I wore a LAYERED SHIRT?!
3) I actually tried to figure out how to turn on the hot tap in the shower! (Up to now, my biggest question in the shower is "HOW DO I GET THIS WATER COLDER?!"... I'd never even TOUCHED the hot tap before...) The attempt actually failed because I couldn't figure out the water heater, so I took an ice shower, anyway but I did TRY!.

Will someone send me Matt's address, please? And when does he get to Taiwan? And when does Ian go into the MTC? Sank you. (Thank you with a HK accent... it's really hard to make a "th" sound with a Chinese tongue).

Did I tell you for moon festival they set up temporary moon-cake-selling booths EVERYWHERE--exactly like the temporary fireworks-selling places that crop up right before the fourth of July in America?
So I actually haven't received my latest package (STILL) because my zone leader stole it--along with my mail. Ok, yes, he only took it because he thought he'd see me before I'd make it to the mission home, but STILL. At least I know it's in China. I had half a thought to call him last night and force him to read all my mail out loud over the phone, but that could be awkward. It WOULD teach him not to steal sisters' mail... ;D
Sister Cheung cracks me up. She really does not like babies (she thinks they're annoying... but she has 5 little brothers and sisters! and 2 older! This is a HUGE family! ...for China, especially!) BUT she really likes baby COCKROACHES. She thinks they're CUTE. She DOES NOT LET ME KILL THEM.

We had a hilarious "fight" a couple nights ago that our roomie sister missionaries walked right in on--I was standing on my desk with a shoe, she was valiantly defending her cockroach's life, claiming amnesty and crying "SANCTUARY!".... wait, have I already told you this story?

Anyway, the best part is the baby missionary in our apartment right now is TERRIFIED of bugs, so Sister C. told her what happened (in Chinese, of course) and baby didn't understand, looked to me for an explanation and I may or may not have taken some artistic license in the translation so that she could sleep that night ("Um, there was a... stain on the wall that we THOUGHT was a bug, but it wasn't. No worries! Ha! Ha!").

It was Sister C's birthday on Tuesday and I was WAY more excited than she was. I had a great time telling everyone who would listen, she had a great time smacking me and telling me to stop telling people... it was great. I love her so much. She is such a hard worker!!! Yesterday I "yauh di geui" = literally, "have some tired"= my feet and back and shoulders and head hurt and we still had an hour of finding to do---but she just kept right on trucking. She's amazing.

We went finding for a couple hours yesterday (and the day before that, and the day before that...)----if anyone has extra prayer time, our investigators need WORKING PHONES and EXTRA TIME so that they can meet with us, it's been a rough couple days of non-contacting investigators (contacting new people, instead!).

I have made up a new rule. It's called, "Never talk to big groups of men." *big meaning more than ONE. Nothing bad happened (Derick, you big worrywart), it's just... really hard for them to focus... Ayiyaaa.

It sounds like this: "Leih hou!" --me.
"LEIH HOU LENG LEUIH!" -WAY too excited man.
"Ayiyaaaaaa" -me...

The big debate is always whether I'm from England or America. If there's a group of people staring at us and talking under their breath, in low voices, actually, I'm pretty sure 9 times out of 10 I could walk up and say, "meih gwok"
(= American) and half of them would say, "I TOLD YOU!" to the other half...

If only merely being a peculiar people could translate to gospel teaching success--I'd do great here in Hong Kong.

Send my love to everyone,

Sister Dia Darcey

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