Friday, August 19, 2011

Cousins Here, Cousins There, Cousins Everywhere

In other news, we don't have P-days anymore! It's actually kinda fun--to be so busy doing the work. This morning at 9 we dropped off our summer missionary (we had a testimony meeting to close), did personal study until 11 when we had another meeting to pick UP our latest summer missionary, then raced to Sha Tin to eat noodles (Taahm Jai, best food on earth) with a sorta-investigator (mandarin) whom I adore named Emma.

After all that, we should have taken a break, but then we had to SPLIT and I came here to the Sha Tin library with one summer missionary, Sister S., who reminds me of Cousin Kaelea, who wants to teach preschool and is AWESOME and 20 years old and a recent convert and hilarious, fun, smart and REALLY outgoing. My companion, Sister C went to MOS with the other summer missionary, Sis. J., who's just 16 and has been studying in England and grew up in the church, to teach a lesson.

We then teach EEFY from 3:30 to 5:30, then there's barely time for companion study before we go to the temple for correlation from 7 to 9! I don't know when we're going to buy groceries for next week... or do any laundry. But it's really fun this way! I'd much rather be busy than not!
HEY six months on my mission this last Tuesday! Did anyone notice? Is anyone counting out there? Cami (too busy with tea parties and decorating cupcakes and being awesome) ...Derick? (no, trying to get his flirt muscle or at least eyebrows back into shape...) Ok, ...Squeaky?

In our apartment, whenever something is broken and I fix it in a mcgiever (how-youspellthat) sort of way, we call it "Cami-rigged" and I'm not kidding. I recently Cami-rigged our bunk beds with a wire hanger and our fan with an elastic band and a lot of tape. Our toilet just got fixed, yay!

Without that experience I would have never known that a broken washer is actually WORSE than a broken toilet, because you can just dump water in a toilet to make it flush. Not so with a broken washer. Yes, so we've been flushing our toilet with a bucket for the past 3 weeks... why am I telling you this...). Don't ask how we've been doing our laundry--not using a bucket or a toilet.

Love to all my cousins, each and every one of you who writes and supports me on this grand adventure for the Lord, Hugs, Sister Dia

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