Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Testimony Of Prayer to Aunt DawnL

Dear Clegg Family, Thank you for my very-last-stateside-letter. It feels so long ago that I was in the MTC. It truly has been the best experience of my life. HK is so amazing: There are so many different kinds of fruits and fish that I've never seen before and the buildings are so tall. Chinese is so hard to learn, but God really helps me learn it FASTER. Another funny thing about HK is that braided hair is really cool here. Every time I wear my hair in a braid around my head everyone says "Sai lai!. or hou leng! So cool, so pretty.

I must share a neat testimony with you to pass on to the rest of the family of the power of prayer:

Last Tuesday we went to the mission office for a meeting and on the way out the door to return home, my companion, Sister B and I both felt like we had forgotten something. We went back into the office and searched around... nope. Weird. We started walking slowly back out, convincing ourselves through talking that we had picked up everything we needed but we both still felt uncomfortable. We each decided that we should say a quick prayer. We kept heading toward the MTR and kept feeling odd, so we turned back again and decided to just start walking. The very next person we met asked us if she could have a Book of Mormon!! it was so amazing!

If we had been any earlier or had kept walking to the train we would not have met her. Her name was Kate and she was only in Hong Kong for one day. She was from mainland China and the people there have to come into Hong Kong if they hope to ever learn about religion, as it is prohibited on mainland China to worship any religion outside your own home.

She had only heard of Jesus Christ once before and so we taught her a short lesson right there
on the street!
I want you to know that I have a testimony that Heavenly Father wants to guide us and he wants us to help others learn about His gospel.
Love Sister Dia!!

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