Tuesday, February 22, 2011


We have our first letter from the Missionary! I'll translate so you can read it. From what I gather, she must have had a moment on Friday to scribble a note to family and her next P Day isn't until Wednesday.

She says: Tell everyone to use Dear Elder, Box 107, China Hong Kong Mission while she is in the MTC and send it for FREE!


Hey Family! I heart the MTC!

Though I am wondering if a lot of the point in the first days is to completely confuse you--Anyway, everyone is so NICE! From the moment we drove up, what felt like a billion nice old people with volunteer badges were there to greet me and check my info and be happy.

I challenge Aidan to find the 1st aquarium mentioned in the Book of Mormon?

My companion's name is Sister Farr, SHE = NATASHA on steriods. I love, love her, but I'm getting used to living with a hopped up Natasha 24/7... Yeah! My other companion's name is Elder Smith.

We're in a district of only three and one of us is a boy. (Call Brian if you want to know what a district is.) I'm good with the language so far. Brian's Mandarin training has worked and pimsleur and cantonese class and The Spirit has worked wonders. Thank Grandpa Blair for the blessing please. It's amazing here!!

Tell Cami I loved her notes that she hid in my stuff--I'm STILL finding them.

I've never eaten better in my life--GF is a dream here!

My P-Day is Wednesday - that will be the first time that I can write. You should please write, not email and use Dear Elder - free while I am in the MTC.

We are SOBUSY here. I am one of only SIX Cantonese speaking missionaries in the entire MTC. We are already learning Cantonese--our teachers won't speak English actually. I'm feeling pretty dang hou (good).

Gym is good-everyday for 50 minutes, but eventually our schedules "regularize" and I'll tell you what I get to do when.

I LOVE it here!!! Tell Ian it's NEAT here. Tell Brian I love him.

Love You!!! Dia JI muih - Sister

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